Beyonce FINALLY finished her story but in even bigger news Black Sabbath announced a final reunion show this Summer.
Also Grammy’s have officially killed Modern Rock.
Beyonce FINALLY finished her story but in even bigger news Black Sabbath announced a final reunion show this Summer.
Also Grammy’s have officially killed Modern Rock.
Gene Simmons can’t think of ONE artists from 1988 to know that could classify as Iconic…. We thought of 20.
Also Leonard Cohan was an incredible musician & lyricist but we aren’t too sure about his drawing capabilities & AI finally makes “making music fun again”.
Does Butt Rock Reigns Supreme? We are breaking down Billboards Top 7 Artists of the 21st Century.
We also ask does The 1975 need the Taylor Swift’s Ex naming power to sell more records & why does Rihanna need so many curtains?
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This week is a return to form as Craig returns with stories from The Pro Wrestling The Band European Tour, including the answer to the question - Dude, Where’s The Band Van?
The Black Keys cancel their North American tour because they forgot that it isn’t 2012 and $100 tickets for nose bleeds in a 15000 arena isn’t in the cards.
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I don’t want to tell where you can or can’t bring your baby but maybe the pit of Taylor Swift concert isn’t the best place.
I never knew a lot about Steve Albini, mostly just about his involvement in In Utero. But if I had to guess he gave me the vibe of a guy who LOVED Tool. Turns out this guy HATED Tool - Rest Easy, Steve.
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Some my thing that the “Shit Juan Hoolia Says’ segment is mean to our beloved one Juan Hoolia. But I promise you it has all been leading to the greatest trivia answer of all time.
Iron Madian sues a Soundcloud rapper for the most obvious copyright infringement of all time. And the Soundcloud Rappers fans think that’s pretty lame.