Episode #135 - Gaye Macaques

Somebody Help Kanye

We recorded this weeks episode on the afternoon of the 2022 Super Bowl. Right before we started record Kayne West was having an all to familiar mental breakdown on Instagram. We do make some jokes at Kanyes expense in the episode however I want to take this space to maybe be a little more articulate than I was in the Podcast. As fun as it is to point and laugh at celebrities when they make a fool of themselves, I think the case of Kanye West is a truly interesting look at our western society. Kayne has been so clearly on a downward spiral for the better part of a decade & I don’t know if it is Kanye’s propensity to be about the most arrogant man on the planet but it doesn’t seem that he has any real friends. Kanye West is in pain & I genuinely find it heartbreaking that nobody has your back. It is hard enough to navigate this life when your aren’t famous, I could only imagine a true friend is hard to come by when you are worth Billions of dollars. I hope Kanye finds some peace with his family before somebody gets hurt.  

Listen to this Shit: 

Lost Arts

Pro Wrestling The Band

Bob Vylan - We Live Here

Heart Attack Man - Leap Year 

Jeff Rosenstock - Nausea 

Faling in Reverse - Zombified 

A Day to Remember - Since You’ve Been Gone 

Dead & Divine - Asphyxia Fiend 


Other Topics Discussed:

Kanye West & Billie Eillish 

The Super Bowl

Ronnie Radke

Gaye Macaques 

KISS Trivia 

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You Should Jam - The Mars Volta vs White Reaper


You Should Jam: 


  1. Snail Mail - Valentine

  2. Mars Volta - Deloused in Comatorium

  3. At the Drive In - Relationship of Command


  1. The Replacement - Let it Be

  2. Elliot Smith - Either/ Or

  3. White Reaper - The Worlds Best American Band

Episode #134 - Our Time to Strike ft. False Eyed Dolls

False Eyed Dolls

False Eyed Dolls were our first guests that were not from our little Southern Ontario bubble. We first started communicating early 2021 when I was sent their single “Let’s Talk” by a buddy. We talked about that song on an episode of the podcast & the rest is history. Every time we connect i’m reminded at how amazing the internet is. Being a vocalist in a small time band it is really inspiring to speak with other artists from the other side of the planet & know they are having similar struggles. Sometimes it is tough to remember that the internet is responsible for some positive experiences such as curating a music scene that isn’t exclusive to those in close proximity to your home address. 


Other Topics Discussed:

Becoming a 2 Piece 

Small Artists & Spotify 

Jed is too Cool

Ontario Trivia 

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Listen to this Shit: 

False Eyed Dolls

Lost Arts

Suicide Boys - All Dogs go to Heaven 

Muse - Won’t Back Down

Ghostmane - Sacrilege 

Sleep Token - Hypnosis 

Knife Braid - Tits & Teeth 

Florence Black - Bird on a Chain

Pro Wrestling The Band

Episode #133 - Cough, Cough, Cough

What Are Turning Into? 

This week we watched a clip that was shared by the Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show Twitter account. The clip is a 2 - Minute piece from the latest appearance by Paris Hilton. In this clip Paris & Jimmy lifelessly talk about how they a part of the same NFT Community. It is a really interesting (and sad) look in the window of what society is turning into. NFT’s seem to have the internet divided. Clearly there is a lot of money to be made while also seeming to be a rather redundant investment. The price point of these images are far out reach for the average consumer resulting in rich people bragging about this photo of monkey they bought. Jimmy Fallon literally says I liked this one because it has a striped shirt & I have a similar shirt….. KAY! The whole display is an absolute cringe fest & another example that late night is dying. It’s also wild to me that this was the clip that their social media team chose to share. I mean I guess were talking about it but it by no means is driving more traffic to the show or their Youtube Channel. Check out the clip below. 

Listen to this Shit: 

Lost Arts

Taylor Simpson - Drifting

Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf

Turnstile - Holiday

Marcy Playground - Saint Joe On The School Bus 

Girl in Red - Bad Idea

Foxygen - Suggie

Vampire Weekend - Step

Beach House - Zebra

You Should Jam: 


  1. Snail Mail - Valentine

  2. At the Drive In - Relationship of Command


  1. The Replacement - Let it Be

  2. Elliott Smith - Either/ Or

Other Topics Discussed:

Neil Young vs Spotify 

Damiam Albarn vs Taylor Swift 

Royal Rumble 

Round 3 - KISS Trivia 

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You Should Jam - Elliot Smith vs Snail Mail


Episode #132 - I've Never Listened to Your Podcast

What Happened Billy Talent? 

Before I write this paragraph I want to make it clear that I am a Billy Talent Fan. Billy Talent 2 & 3 were very popular in my friend groups in our early teen years. But over the past couple albums it has become clear that they do not have a clear destination. I felt that Afraid of Heights had some of the best Billy Talent Songs (Ghost Ships & The Crutch) while simultaneously being a boring album over all. Crisis of Faith is no different, but it doesn’t have the songs. There are some redeeming qualities on this record but other than …Wrong People most songs just miss the mark. Billy Talent came out of the gate with a different sound, something so unique that it couldn’t be duplicated. I will never fault a band for changing it up, for trying something new. It’s crazy to me when “fans” of music fault their favourite artists for make some changes to avoid releasing the same album with worse songs. That’s the big issue with Butt Rock bands. There are no more consistent bands than Butt Rock bands & that’s why they suck. I think the reason why I like Song People so much because I think that this is an example of a song that is a refreshing change of pace. Crisis of Faith is a rollercoaster of the mediocrity & I think fans need to start being honest with themselves 

Listen to this Shit: 

Lost Arts

Waitin’ for the Bus - ZZ Top 

Car Crash - IDLES 

Robot Writes a Love Song - PUP

Roddy - Djo

Old Friends - Pinegrove

Sacred Heart - Julianne Riolono

Pro Wrestling the Band 

Sarah Joe - Alex Cameron 

Hit Me Where it Hurts - Caroline Polucheck 

Never-ending Web - Backtrack 

You Should Jam: 


  1. At the Drive In - Relationship of Command


  1. The Replacement - Let it Be


Other Topics Discussed:

Unpopular Opinions 

Tommy Lee’s Penis 

When We Were Young Fest 

Billy Talent is Mid

Round 2 - KISS Trivia 


Episode #131 - Death to Dad Rock

Elvis Does it Better

This was going to be the title of the episode because I think that it is one of the funnier bits on this show & it was the catalyst to the realization that nothing sums up the ignorance of people than saying “Elvis does a better version of this.” It is no secret that blues, rock n roll, you name it was a stolen artwork from the African American people. Elvis was the poster boy for this thievery. What makes the case of Elvis even more hilarious as racist use him to hide they intentions is that Elvis didn’t even write anything. He just sang other peoples music. Black People’s music. Aretha Franklin is not to be compared to Elvis. Don’t let your ignorance deafen your enjoyment of the world around you. 

Other Topics Discussed:

Change Cake 

Drake Puts Hot Sauce in a used Condom 

The Nirvana Kid Won’t Go Away 

Foo Fighters Horror Movie

Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly Drank Each Other's Blood After Getting Engaged

Artist Spotlight

Generation Clash

Generation Clash was founded in 2019 while I was sitting in my room going through my record collection and I realized that some of my favourite music was by artists that I never heard my friends talking about. It felt special that I discovered them from going to record stores and flipping through records and these artists caught my eye.

This weeks recommendation: Firehouse - Hold Your Fire

Carmela works so hard to expose bands young & old to a new audience everyday. She has been very supportive of my band Lost Arts over the years. Check out her website & give her a follow on Social Media


Southbound Beretta - Under Fire 

Breaking into the Indianapolis rock scene in 2019, Southbound Beretta brings energy and grit back to blue collar rock n roll. Incorporating influences from bands like AC/DCMotörheadFoo FightersThin Lizzy and Airbourne. Southbound Beretta brings an energetic and fun live show that has been steadily growing their fan base. They want fans to know that they’re here to bring back authentic rock n roll and they’re never going to stop.

Under Fire rips hard from the opening riff!


Lost Arts 

Heartbreaker - Led Zeppelin 

Dead in the Desert - Nuns in the Tundra 

Outlaw Love - The Districts 

Hold On - Alabama Shakes

Golden Days - Whitney

Lost my head there - Kurt Vile 

Doom Girl - Motion Sickness 

Episode #130 - Fire Covid

Don’t Be Named That

In this episode we spoke about the alleged assault by Josh Homme against ex-wife Brody Dalle’s boyfriend Gunner Foxx. It has been no secret, the impact that Josh Homme has had on me over the last 10 years. I firmly believe Queens of the Stone Age are one of the greatest rock bands of all time. I also have no doubt that Josh is not a man you want to be on bad terms with. This brings back to the alleged assault, that took place at an Apple Store of all places, do not… I cannot stress this enough…. be named Gunner Foxx. I do not mean to suggest that Gunner (I mean come on) deserved to be intimidated while he tried to colour in the lines on an iPad likely watched over by mercenaries dressed in blue polos. However seems this man got himself in he middle of a situation he has no business being in the middle of & his name is Gunner Foxx, like somebody might threaten to throw you off a balcony if that’s your name. This whole situation is seems incredibly volatile & I truly hope they are able to figure something out at least for the sake of their kids.

Other Topics Discussed:

The Liver King

Jason Derulo punches fan for calling him Usher

Foo Fighters Set Record

CD Sales Are Up for the First Time In 17 Years

Acts Like Metallica, Eric Church and Tool Are Using COVID-Sniffing Dogs on Tour

Listen to this Shit: 


Lost Arts 

The OBGMs - All My Friends 

Slothrust - The Next Curse

Nas - 40-16 Building 

Doja Cat & The Weekend - You Right

The Weekend - The Hills

Kendrick Lamar - King Kunta

WSJS Episode #129 - Merry Craigsmas

Season Finale

I just wanted to take a moment & extend my gratitude to anybody that has checked out even just one episode this season. We are having so much fun doing this podcast every week & I really cannot believe what it has turned into. We are going to take a couple weeks off & comeback even stronger. Lets blow this thing up in 2022!

Other Topics Discussed:

Cleopatrick - Danforth Review

Christmas Morning Traditions 

Juan Hoolia's Beef

Wearing the bands march to their show

Stage Diver Floods Venue 

Listen to this Shit: 

Self Destruct - Lost Arts 

Dead Eyes - Lost Arts

Drifting - Taylor Simpson 

Red Line- Lost In Japan 

Control - Anela & The Early Hours

Pray - Ready The Prince

Family Van - Cleopatrick

Triggered Emotion - Zig Mentality 

Dead Weight - BRKN Love

Take it All Back - Sarina Haggerty 

Everything I Need - False Eyed Dolls

Need You Now - Revive The Rose 

Why I Am - Plants

If You Don’t Know - Sun Junkies

WSJS Episode #128 - The Homies Be Wistful

Wrapped Up 

The results are in baby! The We Should Jam Sometime Wrapped is something that I am very proud of. This past year was the best year for this podcast. Numbers aside we were able to have on some guests that I have been wanting to have on for a long time & I think my confidence as a podcaster has increased immensely. 2607 minutes over 50 episodes & the top of 38 fans most listened to podcasts. Again I have to be honest sometimes that numbers can bum you out but seeing how many people reached out/ posted in there story felt really good. We have more plans moving into the future & want to build out this fanbase to a larger audience. I want to give more great unknown bands a platform & just make people laugh.

Listen to this Shit: 

Self Destruct - Lost Arts 

Love You Back - Metric 

This Christmas - Lost In Japan 

Do It Over - The Districts 

Androgynos - The Replacements 

Octopus Garden - Ringo Starr

Father John Misty - Please Don’t Die

Other Topics Discussed:

Birthday recap

Craig can’t hear

Adele Beef

Spotify Wrapped